Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Minister's Glass House

It's been said that a minister and his family live in a glass house. And to a certain extent that's true. There's not much that happens in a minister's home that isn't on display for all the world to see. Everyone knows whether you practice what you preach. Which is why, for the most part, I tend to be rather transparent and self-depracating. I try to practice what I preach, but I freely admit my failures and weaknesses.

However, there are things that occur in the midst of ministry that most people are never aware of. Most ministers carry around a burden of concern for others that would cause the average person to collapse under the weight. And then there are the stories. Stories about ordinary people, living ordinary lives, but experiencing extraordinary moments when God intervenes. Many ministers can't tell the stories that they heard or were a part of for fear of divulging secrets that would embarrass or harm. But many of them are such wonderful stories of God's amazing power it's a shame not to tell them.

So here's what I've decided to do. I'm going to tell you the stories about God's amazing power in the lives of ordinary people. Fictional people. With fictional names. All of these stories are fictional stories. Okay, some of them need a disclaimer like the movies that say, "Based on a true story." But if you think you recognize someone, you will be mistaken. All of these stories are fictional. The events that are described are my own imagination, blended with  memories of events that have happened during 30 years of ministry.

But in these stories you will get a glimpse of some of the events that ministers witness on a regular basis. The minister in these stories is Josh Campbell. He, like everyone else, is fictional. You will get better acquainted with Josh as each story is told. we go. I'm pulling back the curtain on the glass house so you can see the amazing way God works in our lives. Just remember, the windows are tinted. ;)

Welcome to The Minister's Glass House.

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